Oktoberfest!!!!! And the end of my bachelor days....yeah right!
For those of you who don´t already know this, Oktoberfest really is worth all the hype. Totally surpassed all my expectations.... Think Disneyland, full of thousands of drunk adults holding 1 liter steins and you kind of get the idea. But any beer lover should seriously consider making a trip to Munich for Oktoberfest at least once in their lives. I plan on going back for sure.... maybe even return for the closing weekend!! Hmm......
The first day, we got to the Paulaner tent late at 10am, and luckily scored a table outside. Though the temperature was in the low 50´s, that didn´t stop us from ordering beers like there was no Oktoberfest! I ordered two large steins right away, because on the train ride over to Munich I learned how to ask for two large beers, please (Zwei ghosse bier bitter!!) I kept asking for two large beers everytime the huge Bavarian waitress came by with about ten steins on her person. Needless to say, I (we) got pretty tanked (Hakke zein!!) and met some very interesting people our first day. I apparently got married to Lola from Spain.

Our second day we got to the Oktoberfest pretty late (surprise surprise), so we weren´t able to score a table. We eventually mosied along the way to the Lowenbrau Tent, where I met up with Brendon, one of my travel buddies I met in Scotland. Interesting thing about the Lowenbrau Tent-- I saw this one waitress and kept trying to get her attention for a beer. She would smile and shake her head, like, sorry, no beer for you. Then I would see her again, and plead for a beer, and she would promptly bring me one fairly quickly. This went on and on several times and after a few liters of beer I wasn´t really digging this little cat and mouse game of feeding me beer. I mean, all jokes get old, right? Well, it turns out, this lovely waitress has a twin sister!! One serves beer, the other one serves food. Seriously, I would marry both of them if I could.
From Oktoberfest, Munich |
Speaking of marriage, I allegedly got hitched to Nora from Finland.
Our third day we also got to the festivities quite late in the afternoon and ended up outside at a tent... can´t quite remember which one but once again it was good times. Today was the day Ron was supposed to leave at 7pm-- we did our best to get him drunk so that he would miss his flight. We almost got him....
From Oktoberfest, Munich |
Oh yeah, did I mention that I got engaged to Kirsten from Germany that day??!!!
From Oktoberfest, Munich |
And the rest of the pics....
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